Introducing Modern Senator
By: Damn Joan Staff
Good news, public servants: We’ve created a magazine just for you! And that especially means you, United States senators, because you’ve got a big year ahead of you. Between investigations, budgets, confirmations, legislation, and your fixation on preventing Americans from accessing health care, there’s a lot on your plate.
And so, here is Modern Senator. It’s a special New Year, New You issue to help you start 2018 right. Dive in for resolution inspo, tips on avoiding a budget full of fat, and how to deal with a CEO who is “unpredictable.” Don’t miss the special scandal section, and get ready to hold back tears when you read about the secret struggle Ted Cruz has been hiding for years.
We sent a print copy of Modern Senator to every member of the Senate, as well as a few other key government officials—and, let’s be clear, it’s not entirely a joke. We need our elected officials to actually represent us, to govern responsibly, and to get their shit together.
But it’s not just for senators! You, the people, deserve to read it too. There’s a scrollable edition below, a link here to download a PDF, and the first 100 readers to email will get their very own print edition. We’ll also be handing them out in selected cities in January.
Hope you enjoy it.
Mikki Halpin
Editor in chief
Get a FREE copy of Modern Senator in
Chicago, LA, and San Francisco:
CHICAGO (8-10am): Millennium Park Metro, Damen/North
LOS ANGELES (TIMES TBD): Downtown and Venice – we will be leaving the zines at select locations, check back here for updates!
SAN FRANCISO (8-10 am): Market/2nd and Market/11th

Mikki Halpin, editor in chief; Dee Charlemagne, Chief Marketing Intern; Lynda Lucas, Design Director; Lauren Teng, Production Manager; Whitney Eidman, Designer; Andrea Bartz, Editor; Keryce Chelsi Henry, Writer; Distribution, Tess Cagle; Copy Chief, Stacy Cousino;
Chief Executive Officer: Lisa Clunie
Chief Creative Officer: Jaime Robinson
Published: 01–16–2018