Stellar Considerations
Forecasts by Samuel F. Reynolds
Illustrated by Kaye Blegvad
Solstice is a Latin word that means “the sun standing still,” and in a way, the winter solstice that happened December 21 marked a distinct pause before a shift that we are all feeling now—a kind of respite between contractions for Mother Nature, the laborer of all living beings. Immediately following the solstice, keen Mercury spun out of his retrograde, and disciplined Saturn came home to Capricorn, a sign he hadn’t been in for almost 30 years. He’s due to stick around until mid-2020, and is bound to have more of a say until then. But how can the stars help bring forth a brilliant new you? Read on to find out how your sign can approach rebirth and find transcendence.

SAMUEL F. REYNOLDS teaches, writes, and practices astrology as a consultant in the NYC metropolitan area.
KAYE BLEGVAD is an illustrator and designer in Brooklyn.