Tired of living in our current reality? Dial our madness hotline right now. You heard us. CALL NOW.
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It’s a mad, mad, mad, mad, super-mad, really-way-too-mad-to-deal-with world, and we could all use a little break. Call DAMN-MAD to enter a telephonic space where you will meet dogs, cats, the cast of Friends, Father Time, and maybe even Rachel Maddow if you’re lucky. CALL NOW. 1-833-DAMN-MAD!

Follow your impulses and your intuition as you wander through the menus! Marvel that a technology famed for ruining your life and stealing hours of your time is now a delightful playground! Thank us later and CALL 1-833-DAMN-MAD TODAY.
Meet dogs, cats, and maybe even Rachel Maddow if you’re lucky. Call 1-833-DAMN-MAD NOW.
Note: 1-833-DAMN-MAD is not intended to be used as medical advice, life advice, or be helpful in any way. If you leave a voice message on the 1-833-DAMN-MAD system, it may come back to haunt you. On the other hand, it might be the best thing that ever happened to you. Ever.
GEOFF LEVY is an NYC–based director and photographer who is never not equipped with chapstick.
MAH FERRAZ is a Brazilian film editor based in NYC and an Aries with Leo rising.
Natalia Girsberger, production designer; Chris Tharp, cinematographer; Chiara Greek, AC; Jeffrey Gross, grip; Haile Lidow, stylist; Andrita Renee, hair; Alana Wright, makeup; Christy DeGallerie, talent; Glitterer, music; Brett Price, color; Future Analog, digitization; special thanks to Michael Basilius and Serena the Cat.